Wednesday, 30 June 2010
Eye Patch Sleep
Recently, my Girl bought me a very desired eye mask, black material with a cotton stitched "Sammy" across its front, in pink I might add. She knows what will please me in a way nobody else can, and maybe thats the point. However, thats a discussion best served between two people as an affirmation, not as a fleeting glance here.
So, I rise with the sun on my own terms, I am protected!!! I do however wake consistently due to the fact my neck and arm feel like an electric fire with the heat rods through my nerves..inside I die, like Sonny the frog from League of Gentlemen (cast your mind back..unless you haven't seen it, which means you're missing out on something far greater than sleep.
Summer months wreak havoc. I sleep less, im warm more, I sweat profusely at the idea of heating myself, and i dont know why, though theres many theories, and no matter how much I look online for an answer, there isn't one, except the Botox injection into the area, which sounds like a Freddy Krueger moment, though with the little sleep I have, I dont think I have to worry about him...although it comes to mind that speaking about a fictional character as if he is a tangible existing object, then im screwed anyway. No rest for the wicked, because if you do, "Freddy's coming for you"
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Proving a negative
How do you prove a negative?
Some people would cry that trying to is a little silly, dabbling in a world skirting in physics and overtly using grey matter much more useful appropriated to the running of day to day life, though i wont comment on what those lives are filled with. Far be it from me.
Some people ask how do you prove a negative. The most obvious to call to mind being the lottery. Statistically, you have more chance of meeting Elvis in the form of a gerbil, sanguine, fluent in mandarin and somehow a brilliant fuck?
However, you can prove a negative. Some people do win the lottery. Some of them elect the publicity please box and shake their first post-hundred quid bottle of now throwaway wine over the nearest Camelot Executive thinking they too are reveling with you, perhaps not realising you're Britain 498th millionaire and this is the four hundred and ninety ninth pair of J.James shoes ruined (They always come prepared for this eventuality)
I always muse on the life of a Camelot worker. How would it be to work so close to so much wealth being appropriated, yet you cannot take part. Herein maybe lies the crux, perhaps these people are the ones most at ease with the negative proved. They accept it happens, yet they carry on regardless (I'm running unquoted, if you know any Camelot workers, please point them my way, I'd love to pick their brain)
Are these people the happiest people in the country? I really need to know this. How can you work so close to the negative being proved positive all the time, never being in the running for this slim glimpse at happiness, but operate life's wheel away, when in actuality, this isn't the modus operandi of the fates. The fates want you to fail from the outset. A newborn baby is more close to death than to life, but 6 billion people on the planet prove this wrong. We are constantly reminded of death, war, destruction, yet we manage to carve out a life.
Does surrounding yourself near failure, poor ratings, walking under ladders, eating chips near seagulls...does this make you happier. If you bring unhappiness more to the table, do you truly appreciate the good things.
Those that fight adversity, overcome horrific disease, walk the globe for charity blah blah blah (sardonic mood, please forgive planet) seem to have that aura of "Fuck You" and nothing bad is ever going to happen to me. You see it all the time, even eleven year olds are now scaling Everest to triumph for Wham Bars for every one and new fly-me helicopters for all children..every one's at proving positives. Are these people truly happy.
Which is it. Which brings happiness. What brings you that tingling buzz when you wake in a morning and think that's its another day and its going to be a good one. Does surrounding yourself near bad things highlight your good things, or does doing good things keep good things away.
Is it easier to enforce a positive than to disprove a negative. Or, are they equal on both sides of the equation.
Personally, today, i had many negatives proved, and i do not feel happier for it.
Skipping six paragraphs and an ink blot of cliched digital tears on the page, its lead to some positives suddenly occurring to me. Within my skipped paragraphs and blotted tear i have figured something out. Eliminate negatives, you get left with positives.
(Include area for further post reflection on what brings happiness)
Nothing happens by chance. Life is a formula, put ignorantly and a word for said many times before....
The more you put into your formula, the more you will get out, or the more likely you are to get what you want.
So, to my original to prove a negative. Put simply, you need to embrace the negative.
Like the Camelot worker...being so close to all those negatives being proved, I want the same. I don't care how many shoes get ruined, I'm going to keep trying. Bring those negatives to you and prove them wrong, doing so, i hope, is going to bring me a plateau of positives. My neck's fucked, that being a negative, but on reflection, i find positives from it. I think It's already begun.
No need for this to start
Saturday, 12 June 2010
Early mornings letting a love lie-in'
A reversal of situations, my girl being up all week at a sordid hour, but she arrives, and I get up early, letting have the full bed to stretch out in and sleep sleep. Not to say I don't get up late through the week, though I do have a differing set of problems. My pain prevents me from going to sleep of a night, though not going to bed I guess. However, no matter what time I sleep, I'll try to wake at a time my girl would wake, part out of empathy, part out of retaining a sense of continuity and grasp on the real world. I want to say something forced and tacky like "What is the real world". Sounds like something Bill Paxon would relish saying at the beginning of some mid-range film. But that doesn't change it none. I don't feel part of the world ticking by, I feel like I'm sat in my own microcosm of a world, it hasn't changed, peripheral moments change, i remain the same. Doctors come and go, ideas, prognosis, diagnosis, treatment, nothing, hopes swell and become swollen and pushed down. I don't change, I melt.
Wednesday, 9 June 2010
English pride, save St George and attach him with pins to a day where we can all get drunk for no reason other than to actually get drunk
Everyone looks cooler smoking
An Anthology of Dead thoughts: She is my reason
Pain Clinic
Attended the pain clinic, had the pain clinics procedure, feel like someones Voodoo doll, but without any euphoric effects of hearing a great song.Instead of playing twenty questions with a Neurosurgeon, i played twenty injections with the pain surgeon.Makes everything else hurt that hurt less before hurt more. General hurt, generally pained. Always pain. Usually as i wake..till the moment i sleep...until i wake throughout the period of time i should sleep, until i wake for the day.. repetitive infinitum
Tuesday, 8 June 2010
A facebook post pretty much summing up my medical condition twatcrisis for the past year and a excuse the poor english, i was thinktyping

I stretched awake, monstrous movement and writing limbs, I wrestled with the notion of leaving my slumber. I never open my eyes slowly, as romantic moments in fim noir would have you believe. I snap awake, as if the greatest danger would be waiting for me. It’s the strangest moment of my day every day, it takes time for my senses to come to me and for those few seconds, I know what it is to be truly lost, to be abandoned in my own mind. I recognise nothing, I understand nothing, and I am not myself.
It doesn’t last, my trapdoors opening up, the fluid of my thoughts begins to channel through the proper lines and I become "me" again. Once I enjoyed this moment, because for a moment, I couldn’t remember anything, so I couldn’t remember how much I hurt. I forgot what had come before and I was grateful for that slight release, but as I became aware, my heart became like lead.
I swing my legs to the carpet and feel that strange wiry mess upon my feet and scratch my head. Usually, this is accompanied by the arrival of children to the local school, their cries of glee at a new day stood in stark contrast to my rebuttal of what I had to come. Its windy outside, I see the manufactured, there but for the grace of the council play trees, their branches dancing in the strong northerly. Today would be a good day for a walk, but today I can’t.
I hear the pap of a deep baritone horn; my friend has arrived. I have slept too late. I go to open the door and let him in. his usual cries bring me a little warmth. He always makes me smile.
“Alright nonce breath, you just got up…you lazy fuck” he spits out without thought. Our natural conversation has been developed over many years of friendship, to the point where we can understand every subtle nuance, every movement. He’s been a good friend, not your conventional one mind, but is conventional..and who on this feckless earth wants average in a friend, but that’s something for later introspection.